
High carb health has shown that Plant Based Diets are proven to assist people in healing Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's, IBS and IBD.

The whole foods plant-based diet is the healthiest way of eating that has ever been studied and is far more effective in promoting health and preventing disease than prescription drugs, surgery, vitamin, and herbal supplementation, and genetic manipulation. We have successfully helped people heal from Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's, Type 2 Diabetes, Severe Acne, IBS and many more types of disease.

Healing Stories

How I healed Ulcerative Colitis - High Carb Health - Part-1
Hi everyone, I would like to show you my story on how I overcame my Auto Immune Dis-ease Ulcerative Colitis. Please contact me if you want to reverse your condition.
How I healed Ulcerative Colitis - High Carb Health - Part-2
Hi everyone, I would like to show you my story (part 2) on how I overcame my Auto Immune Dis-ease Ulcerative Colitis. Please contact me if you want to reverse your condition.
Proof that Ulcerative Colitis can be HEALED, CURED & REVERSED!
Hey, guys, there are people out there on the internet that have said that I never had Ulcerative Colitis and that I am lying etc. Well here is some proof 🙂 How to Heal Ulcerative Colitis 🙂

Featured In:

Be familiar with our work

Dr. Michael Klaper talks about the best solution for Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's disease!

He also talks about High Carb Health and if you do need any support or guidance from us we are here to help you! A whole food plant-based diet is proven to reverse many of our common diseases today. You can heal yourself by adopting a plant-based lifestyle to heal your body from disease!

Dr. Nandita Shah also promotes a plant-based diet and she has shared her views below on High Carb Health

Dr. Nandita Shah - Testimonial about High Carb Health

“I am proud to have Shukul and Shamiz Kachwalla from High Carb Health on the panel of SHARAN health experts. They specialise in digestive health and especially Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's, but can work with a wide variety of lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes, Obesity, PCOD, Hypothyroid, Hypertension, Cancer, Infertility, Impotency, Osteoporosis.

Like SHARAN, they aim to give people realistic advice on how to get healthy and reverse illness via a scientifically proven nutrition based approach to healing the body, using a plant based diet. Their method is very successful because rather than focusing on symptoms they address the actual cause of disease.

If you are suffering from a lifestyle disease such as the ones mentioned above or just want to take preventative measures to improve your health, I would not hesitate in recommending their services".

  — Dr. Nandita Shah

Heal Yourself Today

Saqib's FULL VIDEO TESTIMONIAL | Ulcerative Colitis Healed
Saqib's FULL VIDEO TESTIMONIAL | Ulcerative Colitis Healed
Here is the FULL video guys. There are lots of other things he has said that may relate to you.
How to Heal Ulcerative Colitis I've never felt this good in my life!
How to Heal Ulcerative Colitis I've never felt this good in my life!
Marija heals Ulcerative Colitis! Check out her video about how she healed herself!
Testimonials - Tishani Heals Ulcerative Colitis
Testimonials - Tishani Heals Ulcerative Colitis
Tish shares her story on how she has overcome Ulcerative Colitis after going to the Doctors and taking some toxic drugs with no avail.
How to Heal Crohn's Testimonials: 7 Years Of Crohn's Disease, Cured! Plant-based Diet.
How to Heal Crohn's Testimonials: 7 Years Of Crohn's Disease, Cured! Plant-based Diet.
Chris has now got a Life After Crohn's! Check out his story on how he has managed to get off medication and take control of his health without the need for immunosuppressant drugs!
Ulcerative Colitis Naturally Healed after 10 years with Plant based diet
Ulcerative Colitis Naturally Healed after 10 years with Plant based diet
Shukul sits down with Harry who has healed himself of Ulcerative Colitis after 10 years of suffering. Listen to what he has to say about how he has overcome this disease without any medications!
How Professional Ice Hockey Player Andrew Healed Ulcerative Colitis
How Professional Ice Hockey Player Andrew Healed Ulcerative Colitis
Andrew has battled with Ulcerative Colitis for a very long time taking many medications while playing professional Ice Hockey Check out how he has turned his life around and managed to heal himself through a Plant-based diet.

Our Program

Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's Recovery Program

Our program for healing Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's will set you up for a lifetime of success with these diseases. Not only will you heal all of your digestive issues, but you will also benefit from our holistic approach by reaching new levels of overall health. The best part is that all this is achieved without the need for medications, supplements, pills or potions.

Our goal is for you to reach an exceptional level of health, in the majority of cases, this is even better than before you had the disease. We are so passionate about assisting you to live a long healthy life without medications, we will put all our support behind you to educate and guide you towards a positive outcome. This is why our program lasts for 6 months! Please check out our testimonials below or on our testimonials page.

Nutrition Packages

Nutrition, Health Education & Digestive Health Programs

Speedy Starter (3 Month)

$1999 USD

Right Recovery (6 Months)

$2999 USD

Health is Wealth (1 Year)

$4499 USD

Meet the team

Our Mission

High Carb Health aims to give people realistic advice on how to get healthy and reverse illness via a scientifically proven nutrition based approach to healing the body. Our goal is to provide long term, lasting solutions. We do not believe in quick fixes and our approach is far more effective in promoting health and preventing disease than prescription drugs, surgery, vitamin and herbal supplementation, and genetic manipulation.

We provide education and coaching to help our clients transition to a healthier lifestyle, which also has the added benefit of assisting the body to reach its ideal weight.

Shamiz Kachwalla

Shamiz Kachwalla is a Certified Wholistic Health & Natural Healing Counsellor from the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy. He coaches people to live a healthier lifestyle and has had first hand experience on how to overcome the disease through a plant based diet.

Shukul Kachwalla

Shukul Kachwalla is a Certified Wholistic Health & Natural Healing Counsellor from the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy. His passion for health and nutrition is undeniable and he has a goal of helping people overcome sickness and improve health through healthy lifestyle practices.



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