Despite the fact that whole food plant-based diets effectively heal the body from Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s, the self-healing journey may seem like an impossible feat to begin with. It’s no secret that letting go of bad habits, no matter how harmful, can be a daunting task. One may get disheartened and lose sight of the end goal-
Self-healing through healthful practices and a whole food plant-based diet requires daily diligence, self-awareness, and self-control. It is tempting to go back to your old ways, reward yourself with junk food, or ‘let go’ for just one day. But healthy living results in a disease-free body and mind. It is often rewarded with freedom from pain, inflammation, and sickness.
Choosing and following a whole food plant-based diet is a commitment for a lifetime. One may second guess themselves or lose motivation along the way. However, these are bound to make it easier and help you stay on track-
A Healthy Life is an Easy Choice!
Most people’s hesitation to switch to a whole food plant-based diet is the result of years of misinformation and wrong beliefs. Popular media and the beneficiaries of medical establishments will have you believe that there’s no natural cure to your ailment. Most of us have been convinced that choosing and abiding by a healthy lifestyle is difficult.
When you catch yourself thinking, “I can’t do this” or “this is impossible”, remember how difficult it is to live with your sickness. How difficult it is to make very frequent and painful trips to the toilet. Remember how malnourished and weak you feel when you experience a flare-up. Remember how it hampers your daily activities and your ability to live to the fullest.
The further you progress in your self healing journey, the easier it becomes. As the body returns to its natural state, it accepts healthful living as your first nature. It gets easier to follow and heal over time.
Share your Journey and Victories!
It’s important to talk about the changes in your body and the effect a whole food plant-based diet has on it. This can help motivate you to keep going. Verbalizing your progress will help you keep a track of how far you have come. It also provides a sense of achievement.
Sharing your health and vitality will help you keep up the efforts. It will also help others around you appreciate your journey.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up!
After years of inflammation and malnutrition, it takes some time for your body to rejuvenate and replenish itself. Make sure you don’t go too hard on yourself when you don’t see progress at the pace you expected to. Adopting a whole food plant based diet takes some time. It’s only human to experience some pitfalls on the way. One may give into temptations or make mistakes. The key is to never give up. Self-improvement is a continuous process and it is important to forgive yourself and start over.
Reinforce lessons you’ve learned
Most of us are surrounded by people making bad choices in terms of health and lifestyle. It is unfortunately common to consume meat, smoke, drink, or avoid exercise. It’s important to remember all the lessons you’ve learned. This will help you stay on track and remember why you started in the first place.
Rereading books, talking to people who understand your journey, and reinforcing these healthful truths and practices will help you stay on track and follow a whole food plant based diet.
Rest assured, while the path to healthful living may seem long but in reality, it is easier to be healthy and live a full life than struggle with disease and symptoms due to poor health choices. Switch to a whole food plant based diet and make mindful healthy choices, your body and mind will thank you in the long run!
Remove Emotional Toxins
As the body releases toxins and harmful wastes, it also rids itself of emotional toxins and contractions. Emotional issues are bound to arise. You may get caught up in memories or thoughts. It’s important to allow this energy to flow through you. Practice meditation and mindfulness in order to deal with these emotional contractions.
If you have further trouble dealing with your emotional issues, consult a therapist who specialises in somatic approach and personal transformation.
Reinforce lessons you’ve learned
Most of us are surrounded by people making bad choices in terms of health and lifestyle. It is unfortunately common to consume meat, smoke, drink, or avoid exercise. It’s important to remember all the lessons you’ve learned. This will help you stay on track and remember why you started in the first place.
Rereading books, talking to people who understand your journey, and reinforcing these healthful truths and practices will help you stay on track and follow a whole food plant based diet.
Rest assured, while the path to healthful living may seem long but in reality, it is easier to be healthy and live a full life than struggle with disease and symptoms due to poor health choices. Switch to a whole food plant based diet and make mindful healthy choices, your body and mind will thank you in the long run!