Vegan- A healing lifestyle for Ulcerative Colitis Patients
For people with Ulcerative Colitis- a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, finding the right diet plan is a tiring task. A suit-all ulcerative colitis healing diet is still a Bermuda triangle. They eat by trial & error, cutting and limiting certain food which might be aggravating the symptoms. The current scientific evidence points to a plant-based diet as the best option to help with Ulcerative Colitis symptoms.
The number of people who have Ulcerative Colitis has been increasing rapidly, and a general investigation led to a belief that the western diet is one of the major causes. Also, IBD is commonly found in people living farthest from the equator. This contributed to the conclusion that a high consumption pattern of meat, and processed food at the higher latitudes is a contributor to Ulcerative Colitis. Symptoms induced by cow’s milk have also been found in patients with Ulcerative Colitis. Not only the higher fat diet but also certain vegetable fats which are termed “good fats” have increased the risk of developing IBD. Because of this the world is moving towards being ‘VEGAN’. This gave rise to healing ulcerative colitis with a plant-based diet.
Vegan Diet- What does it include?
In simpler terms, a vegan diet is the consumption of plant-based food. This diet is devoid of anything that is derived from animals. The reasons for opting for a vegan diet vary from not wanting to harm animals, to improving their health. It has been proven that a plant-based diet could lower the risk of certain diseases.
While it sounds simple yet complicated, here is what a typical healthy vegan diet looks like:
- 5 portions of fruit and vegetable variety
- Meals based on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, or other carbohydrate sources (preferably wholegrain)
- Green Leafy vegetables
- Dairy alternatives- Almond Milk, Soya Drink, etc
- Beans, Pulses, and protein sources
- Plenty of fluids
Research has proven that vegans enjoy better heart health, less likely chances of getting diabetes, and certain cancers like GI tract cancer, breast, ovaries & uterus cancer.
Vegan Diet & Ulcerative Colitis
A vegan diet is no longer unusual and restricted to health-conscious celebrities, as it is gaining popularity with the general population too. A whole food plant-based diet can help prevent and control colitis, as it avoids certain processed food additives. Consumption of fruits and vegetables decreases the risk of Ulcerative Colitis. A vegan diet improves the diversity of gut microbiota and reduces inflammation, thus helping achieve remission of Ulcerative Colitis symptoms. Moreover, moving to a plant-based diet has no adverse effect on ulcerative colitis patients. The vegan diet also produces a greater quantity of butyrate, short-chain fatty acids, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Being high on fiber and fermentable substrate, a vegan dietary pattern promotes a favorable gut microbial profile.
A plant-based diet is our natural food, and when introduced, our senses recognize it immediately and secrete the proper digestive enzymes. A plant-based diet furnishes us with friendly bacteria and fiber necessary to maintain healthful bacteria in the colon. Friendly bacteria and fiber play major roles in keeping the gut healthy. Fiber provides bulk which allows the peristaltic wave to move digestion toward elimination. Without sufficient fiber, the intestinal muscles have to overwork and can become enervated. Fiber also absorbs the toxins which may contribute to Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease.
Phytochemicals, antioxidants, dietary fibers, etc that are naturally occurring substances found in plant food have anti-inflammatory bowel actions. Among these, phytochemicals like polyphenols or flavonoids are the most abundant, naturally occurring anti-inflammatory substances. The best part of treating ulcerative colitis with a plant-based diet is that it has no contraindications and adverse reactions. When compared to medications, following a vegan diet is much more simple and more affordable.
As of now, if the standard medical model is followed, Ulcerative Colitis is a lifelong illness that leaves an emotional and social impact on the lives of patients. The prolonged treatment is frustrating to the patients and their families likewise. The medication is quite expensive which leaves the patient with a financial burden. This is why practicing preventative measures for colitis is highly desirable. Ulcerative Colitis has become an accepted lifestyle disease that is mainly caused by a westernized diet, and thus the practice is shifting towards the encouragement of changing diet.
A plant-based diet contains much higher fiber than the average diet. A vegan diet can reduce the risk and relapse of ulcerative colitis, and is one of the most effective alternatives. This is because it promotes bacterial species in the bowel which produces butyrate, resulting in a lower inflammation.
At HighCarb Health, we have been strongly promoting healing ulcerative colitis naturally. During the healing phase, getting plenty of rest and consuming a natural healthy diet are very important as the healing process quickens when the body eats and rests. People who have switched to natural, vegan whole foods diets have found that their previous diet was largely responsible for their Ulcerative Colitis and that medicines only contributed to their ill-health.
They also discover that their new natural diet is more satisfying and energizing because it is “the real thing”—it is pure, nourishing food that their taste buds truly appreciate the most. Wondering how to start with your Vegan journey to heal Ulcerative Colitis!? Contact us today.